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Although I was never infatuated with Ron Paul in any way, I have to admit that I have avoided dumping on him as forcefully as I should have. I was impressed by his opposition to the war in Iraq and to the war on drugs. Those are two important issues and it's very refreshing to see a Republican presidential candidate oppose them so forcefully. But I was very unimpressed by his fetus-worshiping platform. An obstetrician-gynecologist that does not understand the profound harm to women caused by abortion bans sets off huge alarm bells for me. He introduced the Sanctity of Life Act in 2005. The act would define human life as existing from conception and call a fetus a "person" deserving of protection. It's too bad that Mr. Paul regards women as little more than fetus-incubators. This alone should be enough to damn Ron Paul's presidency. But it gets even better.

Ron Paul is opposed to the following:

- public education
- stopping genocide in Darfur
- aid for Katrina victims
- affirmative action
- Civil Rights Act of 1964. He believes that property owners should have the right to keep the brown hordes off of their property.

There is even more creamy goodness about the wingnuttiness of Ron Paul. Daily Kos diarist phenry has a must-read four part series about Ron Paul and his voting record. Don't take my word for it that Ron Paul is wack and does not deserve the support of so-called progressives. Read for yourself. His ideas about the Federal Reserve are pretty wacky too.

Ron Paul sucks so many noodles that I am devoting an entire category to him. Stop supporting this knob and stop giving him money. Support a democrat, any democrat (even Hillary, with her scary tooth-filled vagina) before supporting Ron Paul.

Update: Fixed a typo. Thanks for notifying me in a way that preserves my delicate ego. The lively debate in the comments is a refreshing change. I had no idea I would touch a nerve with so many of you Paul supporters.

Also, via Jesus General, I bring you Storm Front's endorsement of Ron Paul's candidacy. Very interesting stuff.