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Liberty Mutual Turns It Up a Notch

Gearing up for the introduction of competition among Massachusetts automobile insurance companies next year, Liberty Mutual Group plans to increase its Massachusetts sales force by 50 percent.

Liberty Mutual, the state's fourth-largest automobile insurer, said the 30 additional sales representatives are being hired in response to the state's recent move away from a system in which auto insurance rates were set by state regulators to one that allows insurers to compete for customers, through their prices and products.

Liberty Mutual announced improvements to their Massachusetts auto policies. The Hanover Insurance Group, based in Worcester, followed suit yesterday with its own enhancements, including the potential for customers who are good drivers to eliminate deductible payments if they are in an accident.

Liberty already employs a sales staff of 61 working in 13 of the insurer's offices across Massachusetts. Liberty insures about 300,000 Massachusetts drivers. The new sales force will accommodate the increased shopping activity that will undoubtedly happen next year.