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Al Gore's climate-change documentary An Inconvenient Truth promotes "partisan political views", a High Court judge has ruled.

Normally that would almost certainly make it unlawful for the Oscar-winning film to be shown to schools.

But Mr Justice Burton indicated that it can be shown if teachers follow new guidance to prevent the former US vice-president's views being wrongly "promoted" to children.

Changes to the old guidance notes were rushed through by the Government after Stewart Dimmock, a father of two, a Kent school governor and a member of political group the New Party, asked the court to ban the film from the classroom.

Mr Dimmock argued the film was unfit for schools because it was politically partisan and contained serious scientific inaccuracies, as well as "sentimental mush".

His lawyers accused the Government and New Labour "Thought Police" of backing the film as a way of "brainwashing" pupils on global warming.

John Day, of Malletts Solicitors, described the offer to re-write the guidance as "a U-turn", but said it did not go far enough.

He said "no amount of turgid guidance" could change the fact that the film was unfit for consumption in the classroom.

The Department for Children, Schools and Families and its lawyers offered to make changes to the accompanying written guidance for teaching staff so it can be shown.

The surprise move was a result of concerns voiced by the judge during the hearing that Gore's critically-acclaimed work contained statements about global warming for which there was currently insufficient scientific evidence.

The judge also queried whether the film might appear to promote partisan views, rather than provide information about climate change, and thus make showing it in schools - without further efforts to counterbalance it - a breach of the 1996 Education Act.

Mr Dimmock, a lorry driver from Dover with children aged 11 and 14, said at the outset of the hearing: "I wish my children to have the best education possible, free from bias and political spin, and Mr Gore's film falls far short of the standard required."

The case arises from a decision in February by the then education secretary Alan Johnson that DVDs of the film would be sent to all secondary schools in England, along with a multimedia CD produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) containing two short climate-change films and an animation about the carbon cycle.

The Climate Change Resource Pack has been sent to more than 3,500 schools and is aimed at key stage 3 pupils (11 to 14-year-olds).

Mr Johnson said at the launch that Gore's film sent a "powerful message about the fragility of our planet" and would stimulate children into discussing climate change and global warming.

But Paul Downes, appearing for Mr Dimmock, described the film in court as "irredeemable". He said it contained "just over half scientific material, 30 per cent pure politics and about 20 per cent sentimental mush - mush there to soften up the viewer for persuasion."

In the scientific part, "the majority of the arguments advanced were false, or falsely exaggerated".

The guidance notes accompanying it "go nowhere near correcting these flaws - indeed they don't even set out to do that", said Mr Downes.

He said of Mr Dimmock: "Lots of parents have written to him supporting his application. They do not want our children brainwashed in this way by the New Labour Thought Police."

Mr Downes also criticised one of the short films in the pack, Champions' Diaries, which was produced by Defra.

He said children were represented as fervent converts to the Government's agenda - "religious language is used, such as 'spread the word' and 'spread the news'. It's all designed to spread the Government gospel."

The Government's counsel, Martin Chamberlain, said the original guidance notes distributed to schools with the DVD, warning against political indoctrination, would ensure that the documentary was presented in a balanced way.

Although teachers could present the film in any way they wished, they were under a duty to provide balance - for instance, by explaining to pupils that some of the views expressed in the documentary were political and asking "What do you think about it?"